GLENVIEW CHURCH CALLS NEW SENIOR PASTOR MICHAEL D. "BRO. MIKE" HARDAWAY Following months of pra yer and sifting through nearly 300 pastoral candidates, Glenview Church has called Bro. Mike Hardaway to the position of Senior Pastor to Glenview Church. Bro. Mike is married to Heather and they have four children: Noah (11), Benjamin (4), Gracelin (3) & Sarah (18 Mo). Bro. Mike completely fulfills the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7. He is a man of prayer and compassion. He is a man who genuinely loves and leads his family. He is well equipped with much experience, education and ministry maturity. He is a man of character, integrity and knowledge. He is a team builder and collaborator. He is a man of the Word, a man of the Gospel. He preaches in the expository tradition. His message delivery is clear, simple and relevant. Bro. Mike's wife, Heather, exhibits a servant heart, support for her husband, love for her children. She is