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The pastor search process has been challenging both spiritually and personally to each member of the Pastor Search Committee. While each of the committee has dealt with home, family and personal issues the process has also been an inspiring one. The inspiration has come from the times we have spent together in prayer, the fruitful and productive discussions we have had, as well as the times of unified decision making. THE PRAYERS OF OUR FRIENDS AND CHURCH MEMBERS HAS BEEN ANOTHER GREAT SOURCE OF INSPIRATION - "THANK YOU!!"

In our last blog post we were praying over a list of 32 men. Then there were 5. The committee spent a week praying over these 5. During that week God spoke clearly to us about each one of them. On February 12 we decided on 3 men with whom we wanted to talk further. Those men have been asked to fill out a Pastoral Questionnaire and return it by March 1. So now we are waiting and praying that God’s will be done. 

The TENTATIVE process going forward:

March 1 - 3: Receive Questionnaires from candidates and distribute them to committee members.

March 5 - Meeting of the committee to begin review of candidate questionnaires; assign candidate references to be contacted; the next date to meet again with a view toward deciding on interview process going forward and questions to ask candidates. 

Following this...

March ?? - Meeting to set process for going forward with candidates; 

March ?? - Committee meeting to review reference checks; determine the candidate(s) with whom to move forward. 

April XX - Begin face to face interview(s) with possible candidate(s). 

We are trusting God week by week for direction. God will clearly reveal to the Pastor Search Committee and ultimately to our church, His very best pastoral leader to lead us into the future.


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