Insight Into The Community Around Glenview

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People For Whom We Can PRAY

In a 3-5 mile radius around Glenview the ethnic backgrounds are more diverse than the national average. Fifty percent are Anglo (15% below the national average); 31% are Hispanic (63% above the nat. avg.); 7%-10% African-American (36% below the nat. avg.). Among these groups those married are the same as the national average. The projected population growth around us is 7% over the next 5 years. PRAY FOR THOSE WITHIN OUR REACH.

The age group most represented in this area is 25 – 35. Combined household income of nearby communities is at $75,000 on average - 7% below the national average. This could be due to a younger local population as well as a community that ranks 24% below the national average for college graduates. This group has the highest percentage of children 0 – 15 years of age (15% above the nat. avg.) Twenty to thirty percent of those living in our area are between the ages of sixteen and fifty-six (Millennials and Gen X’s). PRAY FOR THE NEEDS OF PEOPLE AROUND US.

Primary concerns of those living in our community revolve around financial security, time to recreate, better health care, satisfying career, achieving fulfillment in marriage and development of parenting skills. They still believe in biblical family values, have a higher than the national average potential to get involved in faith based and church affiliated activities. THERE IS A HUNGER FOR FULFILLMENT AROUND US FOR WHICH TO PRAY.

These facts could translate into opportunity to share Christ and potential for growth, providing we SHARE OUR FAITH, have the right resources, personnel (staff members and volunteers) and SPIRIT FILLED BELIEVERS devoted to reach, minister to and support our neighborhood communities. 
